If I could give you one gift it would be to see yourself through my eyes and then you would see how special you really are.

Saturday 21 September 2013

Oops the amended bringing baby home plan

Day 1 - meet at foster carers 2pm until 4pm , this was again altered to 1pm until 4pm

Day 2 - All day at foster carers 9am - 3pm ( we did get to take child 4 to the park and for a cake, all by ourselves!)

Day 3 - 7.30 am until 3pm, so we could see morning routines. Off to the beach, a picnic and a cream tea

Day 4 - 10am until 8pm, Foster mum to bring child 4 here, introductions to his brother and sisters, the menagerie of pets and the house.

Day 5 - collect child 4 from foster home and bring I'm home, hoping to bump into Nanna and Grandad whilst walking the dog. Sunday lunch (roast chicken, potatoes parsnips cauliflower and broccoli cheese, carrots and stuffing followed by apple and blackberry pie, made with the blackberries we picked yesterday.) Back to the foster family for 8 pm

Day 6 - telephone meeting with social services to check all is ok, pick child 4 up at lunchtime and bring him home until 8 pm

Day 7 - Bring baby home forever!!

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