If I could give you one gift it would be to see yourself through my eyes and then you would see how special you really are.

Saturday 22 June 2013


The last two nights I've spent in the company of friends. Last night was Prom night for our secondary school, so we all met up to see off the prom girl in her beautiful dress, then stayed on to catch up before I had to pick up child 2 from his Paris trip. Lovely evening, the children went off and played and usmums drank fizz or tea and caught up on the ups and downs of life.

I headed off not long after 10pm to collect my son from his Paris trip, I am so so very glad that he is home. He looked exhausted yet confident and independent when he finally got off the coach, mates saying goodbye with " see ya Monday" slaps on the back, yet once out of sight big cuddles with mum. Those cuddles are always the best. The ones you keep in your heart forever I think.

Conversations in the car were on fast speed for the
 first few minutes then silence as he drifted off to sleep.

This morning when I unpacked his bag there were clean socks and pants still packed and the shampoo and shower gel and toothpaste were pretty untouched NICE!!!!

Tonight met up with the girls for a birthday celebration dinner. Good food, wine and good company, always a recipe for a good evening. We haven't got together for a while and have made plans to meet up again soon. Community and friendship is so important in life and I am so very very lucky to be surrounded by like minded people. Tonight I found out that a few of us have quite a fancy for Jason Statham and Liam Neeson!!! Is that weird??????

After a tough week and knowing that there is a tough week to come, these little spells of calm friendship help to keep life in perspective. Life, love and laughter are without a doubt the cure for many an ill!

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